MUSHARRAF: A product of the USA? I don't think so.

The newspapers have reported that MUSHARRAF has re-wrote his constitution, employed torture, suppress voices of oppositions, suspended habeas corpus, appointed loyalists to his Supreme court, installed "emergency" rule to justify his actions, and so on. This actions may sound very familiar but it would be a mistake to believe that Musharraf is simply copying the USA by his behavior.
We, as Americans, must never lose sight of the VALUES that make America great! Leaders will come and go and their motives and greed will change. But, the core values of America are what make Immigrants flock to the USA. It remains the greatest country on earth and a land of opportunity for many.
Water-boarding is NOT American. It is a delight of a few in leadership positions. Torture is NOT American, it is the pleasure of just a few. Torturing and killing of specific racial groups is NOT in keeping with the principles of the USA.
America is a great country and will be even greater when we right the wrongs of today, and start spreading the GOOD NEWS of America around the world.


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