I played golf yesterday (Oh boy).

The truth is that golf is one of my three passions. I love golf. Golf, unlike life for the most part, is totally honest. The result of your golf stroke is immediate and consequential. Even Tiger Woods suffered because of his neglect in paying attention to details. Unfortunately, unlike golf, far too many times human beings are destroyed not because of objectivity and fairness, but, as the result of flaws in our justice system. Because of the injustices built into our Legal system, far too many people are wrongfully convicted of crimes they never commit. If we are to change our system to one of integrity and fairness, we must first change ourselves. You, the individual, must make the difference between justice and injustice, by SPEAKING OUT. Apathy is no longer an option. you, could be the next victim of entrapment, false witness, racial profiling, targeting, over zealous prosecutors, political expediency, prejudice, hatred, and false religious assumptions; none of which has anything to do with JUSTICE. The next time you keep quiet when exposed to injustice (Yours or a stranger) , YOU have given your support to INJUSTICE. That is how powerful you are!


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