Do you know the dates 9 - 10 November, 1938? You should. Every American should know what happens when good people do nothing! Kristallnacht (Crystal night) happened in Germany as a result of attitudes and political systems against the Jews. First, Hitler proclaimed a one-day boycott against Jewish shops... Jewish children restrictions in public schools... deprived Jews of German citizenship... and so it went. Good people did nothing... they were not Jews!
Here in America first, we accepted torture (against Muslims), then their was water-boarding (which Senator McCain opposes), then the suspension of habeas Corpus (Under the present rules of our leadership... and so it goes. All acceptable. Good people saying nothing!
Now The Constitution:
The Constitution protects individuals against unreasonable searches, but for this protection to have practical meaning, the courts must enforce it. The Supreme Court let stand a disturbing ruling out of California that allows law enforcement to barge into people's homes WITHOUT A WARRANT... All acceptable. Why? Perhaps it is because the people whose privacy are being invaded are just welfare recipients (Usually black people).
Not all people are affected (yet), but as American, all people should be concerned. Who is next? Before the Nazis were through, 6,000,000 Jews were murdered. Hundreds of thousands of Gypsies, homosexuals, disabled people, political dissidents and Soviet prisoners of war were also affected. The attitude that they are only black welfare people should have no place in today's America.
Get involved. Don't be a Good person that does nothing! We are a better country than that!


screamin said…
The problem here is what we consider to be a "good person". A God fearing person who loves his country is considered good. He follows the path that is laid out for him. He is taught to go to work monday through friday, and to go to church on Sunday. Through this system he learns to respect only one way of life and to discredit any other. It is considered patriotic to honor your heritage, defend your God, and to insure the future prosperity of your nation. National and racial pride is considered a virtue. A police department who arrests the "bad guys" feels involved. A soldier who carries out his orders feels involved. A church goer who praises his Lord feels involved. Following the rules setforth by our leaders without asking questions is considered "good". To challenge our God and country is considered "evil". Acknowleging mistakes of the past is considered weak. Questioning authority, be it the church or government is blasphemous. Anyone who disagrees with their actions is a traitor. The guy who lives on the rich block is ridiculed when he cares about the less fortunate. Anyone who defends those considered enemies of the state, is the bad guy, even when the accused are innocent.

Good and evil are points of view. Anyone who has the courage to
offer a point of view that differs from the norm, could be considered "evil". Even if their way is more logical. Those who blindly support a system that practices imperiolism, and covers it with fear and misunderstanding, is considered "good". It's tough to fight through that kind of a mess.

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