WOULD YOU (personally) HAVE SUPPORTED SLAVERY? Are you sure?

What if you heard a rumor that your chocolate was actually harvested by child labor would you buy it? What if the diamond that you cherish was dug up by slave labor, would you still cherish it? What if rumor had it that the beautiful flower bouquet came from a country (Columbia) that is using children as their labor force, would it still smell as sweet? What if you heard a rumor that the war in Iraq was all about Oil, would you believe it? What if you heard that Halliburton, after making over $20billion in the Iraq war (Tax payers money) will now move their headquarters closer to the oil in Iraq, would you believe it? Do you believe the rumor that Cheney's investment of $241,498 with Halliburton made him well over $8,000,000.00? Would you believe the rumor that we buy Saud i's oil, who buy their oil from Sudan (via Yemen), and the money is used to kill people in Darfur? You should not believe rumors, but, you should check things out for yourself!


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