Dogma vs Reason.

Religion is important to a society in three ways: It is philosophical: It provides a way to acknowledge and worship our inner insight of a "Greater" being. It is political: It is a means to share a commonality between peers. It is Social; that is, it is important in defining a culture.
Since there are seven major religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. They all can not be correct. There are over 3200 variations on these seven major religions; all stating that each one is the "ONLY" way to God.
Religion, however, very rarely has anything absolute to do with God, except as a means to promote activities wars, greed, etc., that should have nothing to do with God.
My personal view is that each person's religion should be PERSONAL, non-aligned to any organized group.


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